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Multi-Asset | Masterclass

<p>In this Masterclass we look at what areas of the multi-asset space are going to do well & the opportunities, and how multi-asset investors can keep pace with inflation.
Transcript file:'s picture

Multi-Asset | Masterclass

<p>With interest rates and bond yields on the way up, what does it mean for asset allocators and the expected risks and returns from the world's various markets?'s picture

Multi-Asset | Masterclass

<p>There's plenty of doom and gloom in the markets but what does that mean if you are invested in multi-asset funds? Have they got the flexibility and the know-how to avoid the downsides and risks, but still give exposure to the rewards?'s picture

Sustainable Outsourcing | Masterclass

<p>What does 'sustainable' mean to your clients and how do you know you're doing the right thing for them?'s picture

Multi-Asset | Masterclass

<p>In this Masterclass three experts join us to discuss the transitory factors that may be affecting inflation, their views on the current labour market and current growth opportunities in the market.'s picture

Multi-Asset | Masterclass

<p>Inflation is up, rates are rising, there is tension in the West and in the longer term there is the climate crisis. Given this backdrop, what is the outlook for Multi-Asset investing?'s picture

2022 Outlook | Masterclass

<p>In this Masterclass a panel of experts from Royal London Asset Management discuss their outlook for investments in 2022, highlighting the risks to avoid and what potential returns investors may want to hold for their clients.'s picture
