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Biotech: A cutting edge investment opportunity | Masterclass

<p>This Masterclass in partnership with AXA Investment Managers looks at Biotech: how is it different from pharma or healthcare and what the main investment themes are in the sector.'s picture

Fund Selector Masterclass | Global Equities

<p>In this Masterclass, we bring together fund selectors and fund managers to discuss their outlook for global equities, how strategies are adapting to rising rates and inflation, and where opportunities can be found in global businesses.'s picture

Equity Income | Masterclass

<p>What is the outlook for global equity income and what do rising rates and inflation mean for investors?'s picture

Fixed Income | Masterclass

<p>UK inflation is now above 6% and rate rises appear imminent. What does this mean for your clients fixed income and capital?'s picture

Multi-Asset | Masterclass

<p>Inflation is up, rates are rising, there is tension in the West and in the longer term there is the climate crisis. Given this backdrop, what is the outlook for Multi-Asset investing?